Covid-19 changed social media engagement

How Covid-19 has changed social media engagement

When Covid-19 first appeared among the masses, it caused serious panic. The only place people could go to find some information and solace was social media. Eventually, the lockdown was put in place which meant more time sitting at home, unable to meet with friends and peers. This is the time when Covid-19 changed social media engagement drastically. People started spending enormous amounts of time browsing through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, etc. just to keep in touch with everyone.

While the world may have been confined to limited spaces, social media experienced a massive influx in revenue. People who were able to keep creating posts and videos from the confines of their homes continued to set trends for the world. And those who were looking for an escape from the sudden humdrum lifestyle that overtook them spent hours browsing to keep up with new trends in fashion and entertainment.

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It wasn’t just that being forced to be at home impacted how Covid-19 changed social media engagement. People who had a busy work-life before Covid spent time on social media during their free period, which was quite limited. But now, there are no restrictions at the workplace keeping them from checking their phones to catch up with friends and family.


Covid-19 changed social media engagement by simply setting people free from obligations.

Let us take a closer look at how Covid-19 has changed social media engagement:

  1. New Marketing Techniques

With the world at a stand-still, e-commerce businesses along with their local competitors have taken to social media to inform the masses about their products and services. The marketing technique is quite effective as people are more inclined to take advice from social media channels and the influencers on them. Covid-19 changed social media engagement by posing as the only source to keep up with actual developments in fashion and lifestyle.


  1. Effective polarization in generosity

In the midst of a failing social protocol, social media gave people hope. The public needed to believe there was still good in the world. Therefore, philanthropists, organizations, and even the common man took to social media to display their acts of generosity.

People increasingly started relying on social media channels to provide them with hope for a better world. Covid-19 changed social media engagement by encouraging generosity and compassion in the hearts of the masses.


  1. Motivational and inspirational preaching

When the public began losing their focus on career and personal life, social media provided them a source of motivation. The masses turned to Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for inspiration from the titans of industry. Covid-19 changed social media engagement by providing a direct and reliable medium between mentors and their followers.


  1. Rise of self-help dogmas

Many who lost their source of income and support felt disheartened during the tumultuous time. Covid-19 changed social media engagement when it assisted in connecting depressed and lonely people to counselors and coaches. They spent more time on social media platforms seeking help from professionals who helped them regain their self-esteem and social standing.


  1. Empowerment movement

During such a time of upheaval, social media became a platform to empower the down-trodden and victims of crime. Covid-19 changed social media engagement by providing a voice for the people. We experienced strength in unity when people stood up against wrong-doings in society to help one another. People empowered each other with their support and understanding.

The amount of free time everyone had during Covid-19 may have actually brought people closer together through social media platforms.


  1. A new source of income

The pandemic abruptly cut out social hours for most people. Therefore, they turned to social media to find live music, a way to engage with celebrities, etc. The manner in which Covid-19 changed social media engagement actually benefited local artists as well as celebrities to generate revenue. In addition, Covid-19 changed social media engagement by promoting the means to conduct classes for yoga, weight loss, etc. Since people were unable to hit the gym, they needed a comfortable and private space to continue with their workout sessions. This was aided by online instructors who provided live classes via social media platforms.

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  1. Financial education

Before Covid-19, the human population was caught in a rat race. But now, people are choosing financial education to enhance their income capacity. This is a result of Covid-19 that forced people to take a harder look at their finances. Social media provides various free training courses as well as paid ones to help people learn about financial strategies. Now, people use their free time to log on to social media and learn new and improved ways to aid in their financial independence.

How Covid-19 has changed social media engagement

  1. The new source of entertainment

Another massive impact that Covid-19 had on the world was when it shut down the entertainment industry. There were no new episodes of popular TV shows or reality programs. People could not go out to watch movies in theaters anymore. So, the entertainment industry turned to social media to provide alternative modes of entertainment to keep their audiences engaged. Covid-19 changed social media engagement as the masses logged on to the profiles and pages of these entertainment channels on social media platforms. It was the only way to satiate their need for updates about their favorite shows and programs.

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  1. Gossip columns

While there are several positive interpretations of how Covid-19 changed social media engagement, this may not be one of them. Social media proved to be a great source of income and valuable information. But, people also misused this increase in social media engagement to circulate rumors and pieces of gossip. During the time of Covid-19, people tended to believe everything they found on social media due to a misconception of reliable information.


Covid-19 changed social media engagement in a positive way for the most part. Before the pandemic, people used social media to falsely represent their lavish lifestyle. Now, social media platforms have emerged as a way for people to stay connected and help one another. Although Covid-19 disrupted lives worldwide, it changed people’s perception of the world. It inspired generosity and empowerment that brought everyone closer together with the help of social media platforms.

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